
TD1209: European Information System for Alien Species (ALIEN Challenge)

On the 16th and 17th of September, António Onofre Soares (IBBC – Azorean Biodiversity Group), attended the management committee meeting (Chaired by Helen Roy) of the COST Action no. TD1209: European Information System for Alien Species (ALIEN Challenge) (see more at: and the Workshop “Comparing European Impact Risk Assessments for Invasive Species” and organized by Pablo González-Moreno, Montserrat Vilà and Marc Kenis. These events were held on the Estación Biológica de Doñana, Seville, Spain.

In the first eventwas discussed the matters arising of last meeting, including a follow-up of MoU objectives, as well as the logistic and the scientific future planning. In the workshop, taxa leaders, assessors of selected species and developers of the risk assessment protocols work with a view to find the main trends and differences across taxa and across protocols.

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