
Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c): 2020 Annual Report


In 2020, the main achievements of the 24 integrated members with Ph.D. of ABG-cE3c included 127 publications, 64 of which in International Indexed Journals with Impact Factor. The mean Impact Factor in 2020 in SCI Journals was 3.01 (max = 10.96; Nature Ecology & Evolution); 33 publications are included in the first quartile (51.5% of the SCI publications). Our 38 external collaborators published an additional 16 SCI publications with our affiliation.

Sisty-three projects run in 2020, 31 received international funding, three were funded by National funds from FCT, fourteen by regional funds from DRCT and fifteen were funded by other Agencies. These 63 projects (some of them finishing in 2020) brought about 1.552.479,31 Euros to the research group members in 2020. In addition, in 2020 we secured a total of 250.396,00 Euros with Ph.D. Post Doc and other types of grants.

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