Inês Gomes Marques

Top Publications

I. Gomes Marques, A. Solla, T.S. David, P.M. Rodríguez-González, M. Garbelotto, Response of two riparian woody plants to Phytophthora species and drought (2022), Forest Ecology and Management, 518, 120281, ISSN 0378-1127,

I. Gomes Marques, C. Faria, S.I.R Conceição, R. Jansson, T. Corcobado, S. Milanović, Y. Laurent, I. Bernez, S. Dufour, B. Mandák, H. Ennouni, A. Sahli, M. Ater, F. J. Dorado, A. D. Caperta, T. S. David, A. Solla and P. M. Rodríguez-González (2022), Germination and seed traits in common alder (Alnus spp.): the potential contribution of rear-edge populations to ecological restoration success. Restoration Ecology, 30: e13517.

I. Gomes Marques, F. Campelo, R. Rivaes, A. Albuquerque, M.T. Ferreira, P.M. Rodríguez-González (2018), Tree rings reveal long-term changes in growth resilience in Southern European riparian forests, Dendrochronologia, 52, 167-176, ISSN 1125-7865,

I. Gomes Marques, J. Nascimento, R. M. Cardoso, F. Minguéis, M. T. Condesso de Melo, P. M. M. Soares, C. M. Gouveia, C. Kurz Besson (2019), Mapping the suitability of groundwater-dependent vegetation in a semi-arid Mediterranean area. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 23, 3525-3552,