João Antunes Jacinto

Top Publications

Jacinto, J., Jesus, J. G., Damásio, M., Silvestre, J., Máguas, C., & Antunes, C. (2023). Phloem carbon isotopic signature as a valuable tool to assess physiological adjustments among European grapevine varieties under a Mediterranean climate. Agricultural Water Management286, 108396.

Valdiviesso T, Trindade CS, Jacinto J. & Oliveira PB. (2023). Corema album: from the wild to the field. Acta Hortic. 1357, 403-409, DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1357.56 (Non-cE3c affiliated)

António CB, Obieze C, Jacinto J, Maquia IS, Massad T, Ramalho JC, Ribeiro NS, Máguas C & Ribeiro-Barros AI. (2022). Linking Bacterial Rhizosphere Communities of Two Pioneer Species, Brachystegia boehmii and B. spiciformis, to the Ecological Processes of Miombo Woodlands. Forests, 13(11), 1840. DOI:

Jacinto J, Magalhães T, Oliveira PB, Oliveira C, Luz F, Trindade C & Valdiviesso T. (2022). Corema album (L.) D. Don phenological growth stages according to extended BBCH scale. International Journal of Fruit Science. 22(1), 317-328. DOI: (Non-cE3c affiliated)