André Pinto da Silva

Top Publications

Curveira‐Santos, G., Gigliotti, L., Silva, A. P., Sutherland, C., Foord, S., Santos‐Reis, M., & Swanepoel, L. H. (2022). Broad aggressive interactions among African carnivores suggest intraguild killing is driven by more than competition. Ecology, 103(2), e03600.

Raatikainen, K. J., Purhonen, J., Pohjanmies, T., Peura, M., Nieminen, E., Mustajärvi, L., ... & Ziemacki, J. (2021). Pathways towards a sustainable future envisioned by early‐career conservation researchers. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(9), e493.

Marques, A., Robuchon, M., Hellweg, S., Newbold, T., Beher, J., Bekker, S., ... & Sala, S. (2021). A research perspective towards a more complete biodiversity footprint: a report from the World Biodiversity Forum. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 26, 238-243.