Nature-based solutions: new influence for environmental management and research in Europe

  • Articles in SCI Journals
  • Feb, 2015

Eggermont, H., Balian, E., Azevedo, J.M.N., Breumer, V., Brodin, T., Claudet, J., Fady, B., Grube, M., Keune, H., Lamarque, P., Reuter, K., Smith, M., van Ham, C., Weisser, W.W. & Le Roux, X. (2015) Nature-based solutions: new influence for environmental management and research in Europe.

GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 24(4), 243-248. DOI:10.14512/gaia.24.4.9 (IF2015 1,397; Q3 Environmental Sciences) NON-cE3c affiliated

Greening roofs or walls to cool down city areas during summer, to capture storm water, to abate pollution, and to increase human well-being while enhancing biodiversity: nature-based solutions (NBS) refer to the sustainable management and use of nature for tackling societal challenges. Building on and comple- menting traditional biodiversity conservation and management strategies, NBS integrate science, policy, and practice and create biodiversity benefits in terms of diverse, well-managed ecosystems.


  • Nature-based solutions: new influence for environmental management and research in Europe José Manuel Viegas de Oliveira Neto Azevedo Island Aquatic Ecology