Reproductive interference meets sex allocation: l’enfer c’est les autres?

  • Articles in SCI Journals
  • Jun, 2016

Alpedrinha, J. & Magalhães S. (2016) Reproductive interference meets sex allocation: l’enfer c’est les autres?

Current Biology, 26, R461–R480. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2016.04.034 (IF2016 8,851; Q1 Cell Biology)

Brine shrimp produce a maladaptive excess of sons when co-occurring with females from a related parthenogenetic species. Still, this sex ratio may be adaptive if, by mating with females of the other species, males miss out on mating with their own.


  • Reproductive interference meets sex allocation: l’enfer c’est les autres? João Alpedrinha MITE2: Multidisciplinary Investigation Targeting Ecology and Evolution
  • Reproductive interference meets sex allocation: l’enfer c’est les autres? Sara Magalhães MITE2: Multidisciplinary Investigation Targeting Ecology and Evolution