
Sessão Pública sobre Ecologia Urbana: 21 de fevereiro, 9h00-13h00, na FCUL

29/01/2018. Texto de Marta Daniela Santos.

Decorre no próximo dia 21 de fevereiro na sala 2.2.14 da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), entre as 9h00 e as 13h00, uma Sessão Pública sobre Ecologia Urbana com apresentações de especialistas nacionais e internacionais. Esta Sessão, de entrada livre, é organizada no âmbito de um projeto internacional “BioVeins” e do Curso Avançado cE3c “Urban Ecology: the green within the city”, que terá lugar entre 19 e 23 de fevereiro na FCUL.

Serão abordados temas como a conservação da vida selvagem, a biodiversidade e os processos ecológicos e a ciência cidadã, sempre na perspetiva da Ecologia Urbana – a componente da Ecologia que se dedica ao estudo da sustentabilidade ecológica das cidades, e como essa beneficia o bem-estar a saúde da população urbana.

As apresentações dos oradores convidados sobre o projeto BioVeins - Connectivity of green and blue infrastructures: living veins for biodiverse and healthy cities serão precedidas de uma apresentação sobre o UrbanL@b – uma infraestrutura virtual de investigação que promove a investigação em Ecologia Urbana por investigadores do cE3c – e sobre o projeto Green Surge (Green Infrastructure and Urban Biodiversity for Sustainable Urban Development and the Green Economy), que teve como objetivo principal identificar e desenvolver métodos que permitam associar as áreas verdes, a biodiversidade, as pessoas e a economia verde à resolução de desafios urbanos.

A entrada é livre. Todas as comunicações serão em Inglês.



9h00 – 10h15: Green Surge  e UrbanL@bMargarida Santos-Reis e Pedro Pinho  (cE3c-FCUL).

10h15 – 10h50: From biodiversity to ecological processes in urban ecosystemsMarco Moretti (Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL).

10h50 – 11h00: The conservation of wildlife in an urbanizing worldJoan Casanelles Abella(Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL).

12h00 – 13h00: Citizens and science, a good combination?Samson Roeland (University of Antwerp).


O quê? Sessão Pública sobre Ecologia Urbana

Onde? Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), Sala 2.2.14 (Edifício C2, Piso 2)

Quando? 21 de fevereiro, 9h00-13h00


Sobre os oradores e as apresentações:

Marco Morreti

Title: "From biodiversity to ecological processes in urban ecosystems"

Abstract: I will prevent four paradigms and next frontiers in Urban Ecology based on my own experience and research in the past ten years in Switzerland: 1) Biotic homogenisation in cities; 2) Inter- vs. intraspecific trait variation along urban gradients; 3) Ecology in city vs. ecology of city; 4) Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function (BEF)-relationship in urban environments. I'll bring theoretical bases, the state of the art, and few examples from my research.

About me: I'm a community ecologist based at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL in Birmensdorf (near Zurich) in Switzerland. My research interests range from assessing community assemblages and distribution based on functional traits, to investigating response of communities to global stressors and assessing consequences on ecosystem functions and underlying services. I'm trying to combine response-effect trait frameworks with resilience / redundancy theories in different contexts: from natural disturbances to anthropogenic land use changes and urbanisation.


Joan Casanelles Abella

Title: "The conservation of wildlife in an urbanizing world"

Bio: I am currently doing my PhD in Urban Ecology and Biodiversity at the Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL) and the ETH Zürich. Before, I did my Bachelor in Biology at the University of Barcelona and my Master in Ecology & Evolution at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam. My main research interest is the study of the effects of anthropogenic processes, particularly land-use changes, in wildlife using a combination of data ranging from individual traits, demography, interaction networks and taxonomic and functional community composition.


Samson Roeland

Title: "Citizens and science, a good combination?"

Bio: Roeland Samson is full professor at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) where he leads the Laboratory on Environmental and Urban Ecology. His research focusses on the interaction between plants and atmosphere in general. More precisely he and his team work on ecosystem services (including air quality mitigation, climate regulation and biodiversity) of urban green infrastructures, mainly trees and green walls. Moreover, his lab also has major expertise in the use of plants for air quality monitoring and interspecies differences in particulate matter deposition on leaves and stems. Based on this expertise he developed several citizen science projects focussing on air quality monitoring with plants.


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