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Ecology of Environmental Change - eChanges

Amandine Pastor

External Collaborator

I have completed a double MSc degree in 2008 at both the EIP Toulouse (France) and Wageningen University (Netherlands), and I have finished my PhD at Wageningen University in 2017 on “How to manage the global water system to sustain both food production and environmental needs under global change”.  Throughout my research career, I have worked in different countries and projects, including field work related to sustainable agriculture and water management in Australia, Mexico and Morocco. Since completing my thesis project I have worked as a researcher at IIASA (Austria) and at IRD Montpellier (France), as part of UMR LISAH: Laboratoire d'Etude des Interactions entre Sol-Agrosystème-Hydrosystème. The most recent research was part of Arinmet2 EU project MASCC: Mediterranean Agricultural Soils Conservation under global Change, and my objective was to develop various future “narrative” scenarios for 2050, merging projections of climate and agricultural mitigation strategies, and modelling soil erosion with soil conservation practices for several regions in the western Mediterranean.

My research interests include climate change and anthropogenic impact on the earth system, water-energy-food-enviornment nexus, Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs), hydrological modelling, environmental flows, vegetation modelling, energy modelling, sustainable food and agricultural production. My current research with the Echanges group is part of the H2020 European project: LOCOMOTION (Low carbon society: an enhanced tool for the transition to sustainability) where we are responsible for developing an environmental module (including carbon and water cycles) to constrain the Economic-Energy Medeas model. We expect from this project to assess the feedbacks of using increasing renewable energy on earth dynamics and on the economy on the global and European levels.


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