Cave-adapted millipedes from Portugal: species conservation profiles

  • Articles in SCI Journals
  • Nov, 2023

Reboleira, A.S.P.S. & Eusébio, R.P. (2023) Cave-adapted millipedes from Portugal: species conservation profiles.

Biodiversity Data Journal, 11, e110382. DOI:10.3897/BDJ.11.e110382 (IF2022 1,3; Q3 Biodiversity Conservation)

Amongst the cave-dwelling millipedes (Diplopoda), there are several endemic species in Portugal with a very small geographical distribution. These species play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter in subterranean ecosystems and are vulnerable to disturbance from human activities, such as habitat destruction, pollution infiltrating from the surface and cave tourism.

New information

We present the IUCN Red List profiles for cave-adapted millipedes (Diplopoda) from Portugal and propose conservation measures to prevent extinction. Overall, cave-adapted millipedes from Portugal represent an endemic part of the country's biodiversity and conservation efforts will help maintain the delicate ecological balance of subterranean ecosystems.


  • Cave-adapted millipedes from Portugal: species conservation profiles Ana Sofia Reboleira Tropical and Mediterranean Biodiversity - TMB
  • Cave-adapted millipedes from Portugal: species conservation profiles Rita Eusébio Subterranean Ecology