Valorization of Macaronesia beach-cast seaweeds: secondary metabolites and antiaging activity

  • Proceedings of Symposia
  • Dec, 2022

Seca, A.M.L., Faustino, L.M.M., Viveiros, M.M., Rosa, G.P. & Barreto, M.C. (2022) Valorization of Macaronesia beach-cast seaweeds: secondary metabolites and antiaging activity. Meeting Report of 14th Edition of the National Organic Chemistry Meeting and 7th Edition of the National Therapeutic Chemistry Meeting,  95-96. Lisboa, Portugal. DOI:10.3390/chemproc2022011001.



  • Valorization of Macaronesia beach-cast seaweeds: secondary metabolites and antiaging activity Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca Island Aquatic Ecology
  • Valorization of Macaronesia beach-cast seaweeds: secondary metabolites and antiaging activity Gonçalo Pereira da Rosa Island Environmental Risks & Society - IERS
  • Valorization of Macaronesia beach-cast seaweeds: secondary metabolites and antiaging activity Maria do Carmo Barreto Island Environmental Risks & Society - IERS