GC- and UHPLC-MS profiles as a tool to valorize the red alga Asparagopsis armata

  • Proceedings of Symposia
  • Dec, 2020

Lesenfants, M.L., Seca, A.M.L., Silva, A.M.S. & Pinto, D.C.G.A. (2020) GC- and UHPLC-MS profiles as a tool to valorize the red alga Asparagopsis armata. Conference Report XVI International Symposium on Marine Natural Products/XI European Conference on Marine Natural Products. Marine Drugs18, 72-73. DOI:10.3390/md18010040.




  • GC- and UHPLC-MS profiles as a tool to valorize the red alga Asparagopsis armata Ana Maria Loureiro da Seca Island Aquatic Ecology