Reporting on a half-blind Cane toad Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae) from the island of Montserrat

  • Articles in non-SCI journals - international
  • Dec, 2019

Ferreira, B., Coutinho, c., Fernández-Loras, A. & Rosa, G.M. (2019) Reporting on a half-blind Cane toad Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae) from the island of Montserrat. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología, 2(2), 82-84.


We report on an adult individual of Cane toad (Rhinella marina) found with anophthalmia in the island of Montserrat. The half-blind individual with a missing eyeball also presented lesions on top of its head, probably resulting from failed predation attempts by invasive rodents in the island. Although this can be the most likely explanation for the sunken eyelid, previous records of an abnormal prevalence of missing eyes in introduced populations of Rhinella toads in small islands may suggest the emergence of a pattern worth investigation.


  • Reporting on a half-blind Cane toad Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae) from the island of Montserrat Catarina D. Coutinho Conservation in Socio-Ecological Systems - CSES
  • Reporting on a half-blind Cane toad Rhinella marina (Anura: Bufonidae) from the island of Montserrat Gonçalo M. Rosa Invasion Ecology