Molecular circumion and intraspecific variation in Porella canariensis (F. Weber) Underw. (Porellaceae, Marchantiophyta)

  • Articles in SCI Journals
  • Aug, 2015

Lopes, T., Stech, M., Fontinha, S. & Sim-Sim, M. (2015) Molecular circumscription and intraspecific variation in Porella canariensis (F. Weber) Underw. (Porellaceae, Marchantiophyta).

Journal of Bryology, 37(3), 241-244. DOI:10.1179/1743282014Y.0000000136 (IF2015 1,325; Q3 Plant Sciences)


  • Molecular circumion and intraspecific variation in Porella canariensis (F. Weber) Underw. (Porellaceae, Marchantiophyta) Maria Manuela Pinheiro Sim-Sim Plant, lichen and fungi systematics, biogeography & conservation genetics