SWELL - Shared Waters Enhancement and Loughs Legacy. Simulating hydrological, nutrient and bacterial processes in northern Irish rivers draining to Lough Foyle, Carlingford Lough and Dundrum bay

  • Service acquisition
  • International Research Project
  • 2018 to 2019

Project SWELL aims to study the flows of nutrient and bacteria from urban and agricultural sources into northern Irish loughs, their impact on water quality and shellfish production, and to propose measures to comply with water quality regulations. This research is conducted in collaboration with local research instituties and water utilities, and will provide information to develop appropriate agricultural fertilization and wastewater treatment strategies. The project will apply a modelling framework including terrestrial, hydrodynamic and coasal ecological processes. The role of CCIAM/cE3c is to design and implement the terrestrial models required to linkt catchments with coastal water bodies.

Funding Institution:

Longline Environment Ltd.


Non cE3c members:

Project team: Léonard Bernard-Jannin.