
Open Call: One Research Fellowship for Master Degree

A research Fellowship for a Master Degree is open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, within Project PROSEU - PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition”, Grant Agreement 764056, financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Program, under the following conditions:

1. Scientific Area: Anthropology, Sociology, or another Social Science degree, or a Master degree in a Sustainability and Society domain (e.g. Energy Policy, Sustainable Development, Governance for Sustainability, Political Ecology).

2. Requirements for admission: holding a Master degree in a Social Sciences domain (Anthropology, Sociology or other) or a Master degree in areas related to Sustainability Science (e.g. Energy Policy, Political Ecology, Sustainable Development, Governance for Sustainability). Knowledge and experience with qualitative methods for data collection and analysis. Experience with ethnographic methods applied to case study research; experience with comparative case study analysis.Must have excellent domain of English and Portuguese languages. Good communication and writing skills.

3. Factors preferred: (these are preferred factors, apply anyway if some requisites are missing): Previous experience working with European projects; previous research experience related to energy and society studies; experience with design and facilitation of workshops; experience (as a facilitator and/or participant) with participatory approaches (e.g. action-research, design thinking, co-creation, living labs).

4. Work plan:
PROSEU project aims to enable the mainstreaming of the prosumer phenomenon into the European Energy Union. Prosumers are active energy users who both consume and produce energy from renewable sources (RES). PROSEU’s interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary team will closely work together with RES Prosumer Initiatives (15 Living Labs), policymakers and other stakeholders from nine countries, following a quasi-experimental approach to learn how prosumer communities, start-ups and businesses are dealing with their own challenges, and to determine what incentive structures will enable the mainstreaming of RES Prosumerism, while safeguarding citizen participation, inclusiveness and transparency. PROSEU will build an integrated knowledge framework for a socio-political, socioeconomic, business and financial, technological, socio-technical and sociocultural understanding of RES prosumerism and coalesce in a comprehensive identification and assessment of incentive structures to enable the process of mainstreaming RES prosumers in the context of the energy transition.

The Project’s international Consortium of 11 partners is coordinated by FCiências.ID. The researcher will integrate the FCiências.ID team leading this project and contribute to implement the following research tasks:
Apply semi-structured interviews and questionnaires (in Portuguese and English) to survey RES prosumer initiatives across Europe; apply participatory and ethnographic research methods working directly with ‘Living Labs’ in Portugal; develop a structure for implementing a comparative case study analysis and extract key lessons learned and recommendations for prosumers and collaborate in several Work Packages during the project. Lastly, contribute to/fully author research papers and deliverables presenting the project’s results.

5. Legislation framework: Statute of the Scientific Research Fellowship, in accordance with Law 40/2004, of 18 August, as amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012 of 27 August, and as amended by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of 29 October and by Law No. 12/2013, of January 29, and Decree-Law No. 89/2013 of 9 July; And also by the FCT, I.P. Fellowships Regulation, in force ( and FCiências.ID Fellowship Regulation, as approved on 23rd February 2017.

6. Place of work: The work will be developed at CCIAM Research Group from the Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, under the scientific guidance of Dr. Inês Campos.

7. Fellowship duration: This position is initially opened for 3 months and will begin on September 2018. The fellowship contract may be renewed for another 6 months, or eventually until the end date of the project (expected to be in February
2021), in accordance with the provisions of Regulation of Research Fellowships from the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P.

8. Monthly allowance: The fellowship amounts to € 980 (Master Degree), according to table values of the fellowships awarded directly by the FCT, IP. ( The fellowship holder will have a personal accident insurance and, if not covered by any social protection scheme can ensure the right to social security through adherence to the voluntary social insurance scheme, pursuant to Código dos Regimes Contributivos do Sistema Previdencial de Segurança Social.
The fellowship will be paid monthly by bank transfer.

9. Selection method:
Candidates will be assessed in two stages. The first stage selection will be based on the quality of the CV (80%) (i.e. relevance in relation to the tasks described, experience in research, publications) and Motivation Letter (20%). Successful top 3 first
stage candidates will be invited for an interview (100%) (Preferably in person, yet also possible via skype). The fellowship will only be granted to the applicants with a minimum score of 4.5 (0-5).

10. Selection Committee: The selection will be done by three Jury members: Inês Campos (President), Esther Marin (Effective Member) and Luís Dias (Effective Member); alternate members of the jury are João Pedro Nunes and Gil Penha-Lopes.

11. Publication/notification of results: The results of the evaluation will become public, through ordered list final grade obtained which will be posted at the entrance hall of the FCiências.ID, located at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade
de Lisboa, C1 bdg – 3rd floor, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, and the selected candidate will be notified by e-mail.

12. Deadlines: This call for applications is open from 25 June to 15 July 2018.

13. Application: Applications may be sent via e-mail to and, by attaching the following documents: Curriculum vitae, Motivation Letter and Graduate Certificates. Please indicate the following subject
PROSEU. Please note that Degrees obtained in foreign countries need a Portuguese Recognition certificate and, in some cases, a equivalence certificate issued by a Portuguese high degree institution according to the Decree-Law nr. 341/2007, of Oct 12th,
the ministerial order nr. 29/2008, of Jan 10th and the ministerial order nr. 227/2017, of July 25th. The presentation of such certificates is mandatory for contract signature. For further info please see

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