
EMAPI 2017 - Call for Symposia

Our upcoming International Conference EMAPI - Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions - Syntheses, Challenges and New Opportunities is to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 4-8 September 2017. This congress is organized by our research centre, Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c), based at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

EMAPI congresses provide professionals from around the world the opportunity to share findings and experiences in research, management and policy of plant invasions – whether at local, regional or global scales. Past EMAPI congresses have attracted hundreds of participants, and this year we aim to yet again convene ~200+ active researchers, agro-ecosystem managers, nature conservation agencies, and policy-makers.
Interested in a particular topic within the conference scope you wish to discuss/develop further? 
Send us a proposal for a symposium! The idea is that anyone with a keen interest in alien plant research, regardless of presenting a poster or oral communication or not, can organize a symposium. Indeed we encourage our colleagues in plant invasion research to also participate in EMAPI through Symposia
Proposals addressing the conference theme, “Syntheses, Challenges and New Opportunities”, and any interesting subject relating to Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions are very welcome, especially if creating interdisciplinary connections with other scientific or non-scientific areas (e.g.: social development, agriculture…).
Please note that:
Your symposium should provide a well-integrated synthesis of a given topic.
Each symposium will have a total duration of 60min
The structure of your symposium must be: Roundtable/Discussion with one major communication OR Short Presentations with discussion.
We have a limited number of vacancies​.
Please send your proposal (a pdf. or a word document) by e-mail to until 15 June 2017.
Your proposal must include:
»» The title of your symposium
»» A short abstract (200 words maximum not counting the title and authors) indicating the content addressed in your symposium and main objectives
»» The chosen structure: Roundtable/Discussion with one major communication OR Short Presentations with discussion
»» List of foreseen speaker(s)
»» Title of each speaker(’s) contribution to your symposium. Even if it is not the final title, please include an indicative title for each speaker.
If you have any questions, please contact the organizing team through

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