
Genomic dynamics and evolution of bacteria and microbial communities

Encontro Scientia with Teresa Nogueira (Evolutionary Genetics)
11 April 2024 . 12h00 (Lisbon time) . Room 1.3.23 (FCiências.ID, FCUL)
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Our planet is home to a great diversity of bacteria and microorganisms that inhabit almost every possible habitat. These microorganisms form complex microbial communities (known together with their genomes as microbiomes) that function as open systems, with microorganisms, genes and genomes flowing between them.

Exposure to various stressors, in particular antibiotics or their active residues, which are global pollutants, profoundly shapes the composition of microbiome communities and influences the genomes evolution.

In our research group, we focus on investigating the impact of exposure to antibiotics from various sources, including human medicine, veterinary medicine, agriculture and environmental contamination, on the evolutionary dynamics of bacterial genomes and metagenomes. We do this at different levels: in the interaction between microbial communities, in metagenomes, in bacterial genomes and in mobile genetic elements.

We also pay special attention to the most important human pathogens according to WHO guidelines in the context of the One Health concept.

Tags: EG Encontro Scientia microorganisms evolution antibiotics one health

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