
How does competition affect metabolism and what are the consequences for community functioning?

E3 Talk with Giulia Ghedini, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Functional Ecology Group

13 January 2023 . 12h00-13h00

Room 2.2.14, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon

How much energy an organism consumes can be used to make inferences across scales and could be a valuable tool to predict energy fluxes of populations and communities. While scaling patterns are ubiquitous, the mechanisms that drive variation in metabolic scaling and influence functioning at higher scales of biological organization remain unclear. I will discuss how competition alters the metabolism of individual organisms, and how these effects play out in communities. Finally, I will present recent work that explores the evolutionary effects of competition in phytoplankton communities.

Join us IN PERSON (FCUL Room 2.2.14) or by Zoom (; pw: 103436)!

We have been experiencing some technical issues regarding the authentication/connection to the Zoom platform through FCCN. For that, we apologise for any difficulties during the transmission.

Tags: e3talk EE evolution evolutionary biology competition metabolism phytoplankton

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