
Open Call: Position for one (1) Junior Doctoral Postdoc

A call is open for a position for one (1) junior doctoral post-doc for the exercise of scientific research activities in the field of Biology, under an uncertain term contract under the Labor Code, to exercise research functions, within the scope of the Research Program Contract for the Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c).

This position is directed to the execution of research activities in the framework of the Thematic Line 1 of the project “Developing integrative biodiversity assessments to monitor global change impacts on biodiversity”, coordinated by Paulo A. V. Borges.

Workplace: Azorean Biodiversity Group – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, located at the Angra do Heroísmo Campus of the University of Azores, Terceira Island, Azores.

The general aims of this project are:

i) Follow-up long-term biodiversity monitoring using a multiple-taxa approach;

ii) Identify spatially explicit information on threats to biodiversity at different scales;

iii) Use an artificial intelligence (AI) framework for Big Data to develop sound indicators of change. Specifically, we will use key native habitats from Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot and Macaronesian islands, to address the relative roles of spatial, historical and ecological processes driving taxonomic (TD), functional (FD) and phylogenetic (PD) diversity patterns; and the utility of TD and FD metrics to track effects of global change and quantify ecosystem services

The main profile should be:

- Junior Ph.D. candidates who are holders of a doctoral degree in areas related to Quantitative Ecology and Macroecology and holders of a curriculum vitae scientific and professional that reveals an adequate profile to the activity to be developed.

- A good list of publications in the areas of Macroecology, with preference to Spatial Ecology and Functional Ecology.

- Experience in the topic of biogeographical theory, in particular linking species distributions to their abiotic and biotic niches at multiple scales.

- Experience in assessing responses of different biodiversity facets to current and future climatic conditions.

- Experience in developing research analyses with large ecological and environmental datasets.

- Experience in one or more scripting language for data manipulation (e.g., R, Python).

- Excellent English communication skills (both verbal and written).

Evaluation will focus on the relevance, quality and timeliness of:

a) the scientific and technological production of the last five years considered more relevant by the candidate and associated with the thematic area of the call;

b) the research activities carried out in the last five years considered as having the greatest impact by the candidate and associated with the thematic area of the call;

c) involvement in activities of extension and dissemination of knowledge, promoting the practice and scientific culture, considered of greater importance by the candidate and related to the position now in call;

d) the activities of management of programs and projects of science, technology and innovation.

The call is open between April 27, 2020 and May 18, 2020.

Candidates should present their applications and supporting documents addressed to the President of the Jury at the email address with knowledge to , until the call deadline: May 18, 2020.

More information is available in the documents available on the left.

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