
Four research opportunities (BSc/MSc, PhD levels) at the Azorean Biodiversity Group – cE3c (Terceira Island, Azores)

One Contract for a Graduate student and Three Post-Doctoral Fellowships/Contracts are available at Azores, at the Azorean Biodiversity Group – cE3c, funded by different projects and to work under supervision of Paulo A. V Borges and other colleagues.

A) Contract with a Graduate Student with or without MSc to work on Cave Biology during three years (with a contract) to inventory the subterranean biota from Azores. Demonstrated training in vertical caving is necessary. Expected Start: May 2020. Salary around 20 K Euros /year.

B) Post-Doc Researcher Contract on Macroecology, for four years within the project “Integrative ecological assessment of environmental change impacts on biodiversity”. The candidate is expected to have high skills in Ecological Modelling. Expertise on Bayesian Statistics or Remote Sensing or/and Artificial Intelligence (AI) modelling will be also important. The work will be conducted mainly in Azores but also in collaboration with colleagues in Faculty of Sciences in Lisbon ( Depending on potential candidates we may open a Junior (PhD. Defended not before 2017) or a Senior Research Contract. Expected Start: May 2020. Salary between 40-55 K Euros /year depending on Junior/Senior.

C) Post-Doc Researcher Contract on Conservation, for four years within the project “LIFE-BEETLES”. The candidate is expected to have high skills in Ecological Modelling and Conservation Management. Expertise on arthropods will be very important. The work will be conducted in Azores and imply filed work in three islands (Terceira, Pico and Flores). Expected Start: April/May 2020. Salary around 34 K Euros /year.

D) Post-Doc Fellowship on Invasion Biology, for one year within the project “PRIBS- Azorean Plan for invasive Species”. The candidate is expected to have high skills in Invasive Species Risk Assessment working with the EICAT protocol. Expertise on arthropods will be very important. The work will be conducted in Azores. Expected Start: April 2020. Salary around 20 K for one year.

Some data is already available from long-term studies in Azores – see ISLANDLAB projects and AZORES BIOPORTAL, but additional data acquisition will be needed to answer the above mentioned questions.

Documentation to send to

1) The candidate should send his/her CV highlighting the publications in IF Journals,

2) One page explaining how to tackle the projects above using his-/her skills.

Deadline for receiving Pre-Proposals: December 15, 2019.

Place of work: Azorean Biodiversity Group (cE3c) Lab at Terceira Island (Azores) (see

Admission requirements: The post-doc fellowship to work with Paulo A. V. Borges and potential other Co-supervisors, is suitable for candidates of any nationality holding a PhD degree in biology, ecology, environmental sciences or related fields, but candidates with skills in ecological modelling, macroecology, or other quantitative areas are strongly encouraged to apply. The candidate should have a strong quantitative background. Further preferred skills include excellent verbal and written communication skills. Excellent speaking and written knowledge of English is required. A proven publication track record is required (at least three-four published papers as first author in IF journals).

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