• / Arthropod traits as proxies for abundance trends in the Azorean Islands

    Arthropod traits as proxies for abundance trends in the Azorean Islands

    Encontro Scientia with Guilherme Oyarzabal da Silva (Island Biodiversity, Biogeography & Conservation)
  • / Investigadores CHANGE participam em conferência Internacional sobre Água, Energia, Alimentação e Sustentabilidade

    Investigadores CHANGE participam em conferência Internacional sobre Água, Energia, Alimentação e Sustentabilidade

    Investigadores CHANGE participam na ICOWEFS 2024
  • / Genotype to Phenotype  of the Immune Response

    Genotype to Phenotype of the Immune Response

    Encontro Scientia with Élio Sucena (Development and Evolutionary Morphogenesis)
  • / Assessing the wider implications of species extinctions: island birds and beyond

    Assessing the wider implications of species extinctions: island birds and beyond

    E3Talk with Thomas Matthews (School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
  • / Citizen science “biodiversity apps” and connection to nature

    Citizen science “biodiversity apps” and connection to nature

    E3Talk with Brendon Larson (University of Waterloo, Canada)