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Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Modelling - CCIAM

Markus Leitner

External Collaborator

I am a specialist for climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation as well as for Environmental Impact Assessment and Strategic environmental assessment. My main fields of expertise and interest range from project coordination and management to research management and development like the FP6 project CIRCLE (Coordinator 2008/2009) and FP7 project CIRCLE-2 (WP Leader) in the field of Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation (CCIVA) in Europe and especially in mountain areas.

I am involved in the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Adaptation (ETC/CCA) since 2011 and consult different institutions like DG Clima in different projects and I am a Member of the Working Group 6 on Adaptation.

My current contributions from my adaptation experience feeds into diverse project such as a work package leader in the EU Horizon 2020 Project PLACARD, different topic-center reports (e.g. CCIV Assessments, Monitoring and Evaluation and Health issues), RESPECT project on Climate-Risk Management with regards to concept and report development, stakeholder interaction and policy briefs.

I am involved in different projects at different scales and collaborate with research institutions, public actors and private sector actors across Europe, at the national scale as well as on the regional and local scale. My interest is especially in stakeholder engagement and support of cooperation and collaboration providing an interface between science, policy and practice in a boundary organization like the Environment Agency Austria.

My university degree is a MSc in Landscape Planning from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna from 2006. Since 2012, I am a lecturer at BOKU on the Lecture Applied Environmental Impact Assessment in Vienna and since 2014, I am a lecturer at the University of applies sciences on Transport law and Environmental Impact Assessment in Vienna.




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