
Web References Orcid

Environmental Stress & Functional Ecology - ESFE

Marina Rafael

PhD Student

WebSIG Vegetation Huíla

Marina Filomena Francisco Rafael is conducting a Ph.D. in Genetic Biodiversity and Evolution by the University of Lisbon starting in 2023 within the ESFE RG of cE3c. She is conducting the project Integração da Detecção Remota e Técnicas de Campo na Avaliação da Degradação Florestal do Parque Nacional do Bicuar, under the supervision of Luís Miguel Fazendeiro Catarino from cE3c, Ana Isabel Rosa Cabral from ISA and António Valter Chisingui from ISCED-Huíla. Ph.D. project aims are: Produce land cover cartography and assess forest degradation in Bicuar National Park with the integration of remote sensing and field techniques.



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