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H Index of Web of Science 33

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Evolutionary Genetics - EG

Maria João Ivens Collares Pereira

Full Professor (Retired)

Chromosomics Cytogenomics Hybridization Polyploidy Speciation Freshwater fish

I received a Ph.D. in Ecology and Systematics from the University of Lisbon in 1983 and I am currently leading the Chromosomal Evolution sub-group of EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS Research Group at cE3c. After my retirement, I only have post-graduate training activities at the University of Lisbon.

My research group works on different areas such as systematics, cytogenetics, ecology, biogeography, evolution and conservation biology and uses Iberian Cyprinid fish as model systems. It has been organized in two main sub-units - Ecology (mainly in collaboration with the CONSERVATION ECOLOGY group within the cE3c) and Cytogenetics ( We have been mainly interested: i) in comparative chromosomics using conventional and molecular (cytogenomic) techniques for studying the role played by both hybridization and polyploidy in vertebrates evolution; and ii) in understanding the patterns and processes that shape the structure of fish communities in riverine systems.

Currently my team is particularly targeted at answering questions related to speciation in allopolyploid and homoploid (also hybrid) fish complexes.


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