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Conservation in Socio-Ecological Systems - CSES
Research in Aquatic Systems

Manuel Vieira

PhD Student

Manuel Vieira is conducting a Ph.D. in Biology by the University of Lisbon starting in 2017 within Conservation in Socio-Ecological Ecosystem research group of cE3c. He is conducting the project "Passive acoustic monitoring for assessment of natural and anthropogenic sound sources in the marine environment using automatic recognition", under the supervision of Paulo J. Fonseca from cE3c, and M. Clara P. Amorim from MARE-ISPA. Manuel Vieira Ph.D. project aims are:

1 – Study estuarine soundscapes characteristics and assess the contribution of different sound sources namely key fish species and anthropogenic noise sources

2 – Develop automatic recognition systems using Hidden Markov Models, to detect and identify selected biological and anthropogenic sound sources.

3 – Use long-term sound recordings to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability in the local soundscape across multiple sites.

4 - Adapt ecoacoustic indices to measure aquatic biodiversity and compare the results with traditional methods.

5 – Outreach and contribution towards management.


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