
H Index of Web of Science 6

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Research Gate

Tropical and Mediterranean Biodiversity - TMB
Subterranean Ecology

Kasun Bodawatta

External Collaborator

Subterranean biology Ecotoxicology Groundwater

I received my Ph.D. in "Drivers of associations between bird hosts and their symbionts" from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 2021 and I am currently working in the Subterranean Ecology Subgroup of cE3c, as an external postdoctoral researcher in Dr. Ana Sofia Reboleira's group. I am an early carrier researcher who is interested in understanding drivers of long and short-term interspecific associations. Specifically, my research focuses on both investigating associations between animal hosts and their microbial symbionts (e.g., gut microbiomes and malaria parasites), and untangling drivers of complex enviroenmental microbial communities (e.g., cave microbiomes).



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