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Ecology of Environmental Change - eChanges

Daiane Rosa

PhD Student

Daiane Soares Xavier da Rosa is conducting a Ph.D. in Sustainability Science by the University of Lisbon starting in 2020 within the eChanges group of cE3c. She is conducting the project Biocultural food diversity and resilience: the case of Brazilian Amazon under transition, under the supervision of Cristina Branquinho (cE3C - FCUL/ULisboa), João Afonso Baptista (ICS/ULisboa) e Patricia Carvalho Rosa (MSDI). Biocultural food diversity and resilience: the case of Brazilian Amazon under transition project aims are: 1. To identify and describe the drivers that impact biocultural food diversity in riverine populations under transition; 2. To map the biogeographic variation in the use of natural resources as and for food under a spatial gradient; and 3. To assess the biocultural food diversity among different ethnic groups living in a floodplain environment.



ERRO 401

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