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Plant-Soil Ecology - PSE

Carolina Palencia Gándara

External Collaborator

Microbiology Plasmid Biology Biofertilizers Plant-Microbe interaction Biofilm

I received a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine from the University of Cantabria in 2021 and I am currently working in the Plant-Soil Ecology group under the supervision of Prof. Cristina Cruz. My research focuses on the development of biofertilizers based on conjugation.
For many years I have been involved in plasmid biology research of Enterobacteriaceae and plant pathogens
My current research is driven by three overarching objectives: Screening plasmid transfer to and from GRAS bacteria; transferring PGP plasmids to GRAS bacteria; analyze the influence of PGP plasmids on GRAS bacteria and inoculated plants.



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