
Rua da Mãe de Deus

9500-321 Ponta Delgada

Azores, Portugal


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Island Environmental Risks & Society - IERS

Firdaous Halim

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Maritime Spatial Planning Maritime Governance Stakeholders Participation Nature-Based Solutions Climate Change Adaptation Ecosystem Services Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Social-ecological systems

Firdaous Halim is conducting a PhD in Marine Science, Technology and Management at the International Campus of Excellence – Campus Do*Mar at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, starting in 2021 within the Research group Island Environmental Risks & Society of cE3c. She is conducting a research project evaluating the effectiveness of nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation in marine and coastal ecosystems under the supervision of Pr. Sebastian Villasante (USC/ Do*Mar), and Dr. Catarina Fonseca (IRES-cE3c/Do*Mar). Firdaous's PhD project aims to define nature-based solutions in the context of marine and coastal ecosystems and their interlinkage with related marine and coastal management concepts and develop ways to evaluate their socio-ecological effectiveness and economic efficiency at supporting climate change adaptation within marine and coastal ecosystems.

Currently, she is a research fellow within the project MaCoBioS – Marine Coastal Ecosystem Biodiversity and Services in a Changing World (2020, 2024), under the supervision of Dr Catarina Fonseca and with the support of Dr Artur José Freire Gil. She supports two work packages within the project, where she evaluates the effectiveness of nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation, identifies and analyses stakeholders' concerns and perspectives regarding climate change impacts, and supports stakeholders’ participation activities.


ERRO 401

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