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Island Biodiversity, Biogeography & Conservation - IBBC
Island Aquatic Ecology

Fadia Al Abbar

Past Recent Members

Fadia Al Abbar is conducting a Ph.D. in the two chairgroups Wildlife Ecology and Conservation & Behavioural Ecology by the University of Wageningen University since 2021 within the Island Aquatic Ecology of cE3c. She is conducting the project Common dolphins' (Delphinus delphis) social mitigation of tourism-induced disturbance, under the supervision of Prof. Frank van Langevelde, Dr. Geert Aarts, and Prof. Marc Naguib at the Wageningen University, along with advisors Dr. Fleur Visser at the University of Amsterdam, and Prof. José Manuel Viegas de Oliveira Neto Azevedo at the University of the Azores.

The Ph.D. project aims are: To determine the mark-recapture of common dolphin pods, common dolphin responses to different vessel maneuvers used during swim-with-dolphin activities, the common dolphin group structures, and the changes in these group structures after being approached by swim-with-dolphin activities. Photogrammetry and machine learning methods will be used to analyse the data from Unmanned Aerial Systems, Acoustics, and photographs of individual dolphins. 



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