Birds of the Marine National Park of João Vieira – Poilão, Bijagós, Guinea-Bissau, including first country records of five species

  • Articles in non-SCI journals - international
  • Dec, 2017

Carneiro, C., Monteiro, H., Henriques, M., Correia, E., Rebelo, R., Lecoq, M., Romero, J., Barbosa, C., Tchantchalam, Q., Regalla, A. & Catry, P. (2017) Birds of the Marine National Park of João Vieira – Poilão, Bijagós, Guinea-Bissau, including first country records of five species. Bulletin of the African Bird Club, 24(2), 182-191.


João Vieira and Poilão Marine National Park was created in 2000 but no list of its avifauna has hitherto been published. During several visits we opportunistically gathered ornithological data and observed 163 bird species. Of these, four are new to the country: Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris, Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla, Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti and Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius. We make some comments concerning phenology, breeding, behaviour, diet, abundance and origin of some species.


  • Birds of the Marine National Park of João Vieira – Poilão, Bijagós, Guinea-Bissau, including first country records of five species Rui Rebelo Ecology and Conservation of Sea Turtles
  • Birds of the Marine National Park of João Vieira – Poilão, Bijagós, Guinea-Bissau, including first country records of five species Rui Rebelo Ecology and Conservation of Sea Turtles