My most relevant publications are so far:

1) de Lima, R.F., M. Dallimer, P. Atkinson & J. Barlow. 2013. Biodiversity and land-use change: understanding the complex responses of an endemic-rich bird assemblage. Diversity and Distributions 19 (4): 411-422. (doi:10.1111/ddi.12015)

2) de Lima, R.F., J. Bird & J. Barlow. 2011. Research effort allocation and the conservation of restricted-range bird species. Biological Conservation 144: 627-632. (doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2010.10.021)

3) de Lima, R.F., F. Olmos, M. Dallimer, P. Atkinson & J. Barlow. 2013. Can REDD+ Help the Conservation of Restricted-Range Island Species? Insights from the Endemism Hotspot of São Tomé. PLoS ONE 8 (9): e74148. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074148)

4) de Lima, R.F., L. Viegas, N. Solé, E. Soares, M. Dallimer, P. Atkinson & J. Barlow. 2014. Can management improve the value of shade plantations for the endemic species of São Tomé Island? Biotropica 46(2): 238–247. (doi:10.1111/btp.12092)