Regulatory challenges and opportunities for collective renewable energy prosumers in the EU

  • Articles in SCI Journals
  • Oct, 2020

Inês, C., Guilherme, P.L., Esther, M.G., Swantje, G., Stephen, H. & Lars, H. (2020) Regulatory challenges and opportunities for collective renewable energy prosumers in the EU. 

Energy Policy, 138, 111212. DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111212 (IF2020 6,142; Q1 Environmental Studies)

The transition to a low-carbon future based on renewable energy sources is leading to a new role for citizens, from passive energy consumers to active energy citizens - the so-called renewable energy (RE) prosumers. Recent EU energy policy seeks to mainstream RE prosumers in each Member State. This study carries out a cross-country comparison between the regulatory frameworks of nine countries and regions - Belgium (Flanders region only), Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands and the United Kingdom - to reveal the main challenges and opportunities that these have posed to collective RE prosumers (i.e. renewable energy communities, citizen energy communities and jointly-acting renewable self-consumers). Four countries have had more favourable frameworks for collective prosumers: France, Germany, Netherlands and United Kingdom. The results indicate that the current legal framework at the EU level represents a clear opportunity for collective prosumers. Spain and Portugal have both already shifted from a restrictive regulation to implementing in 2019 a legal framework for collectives. The study provides a starting point to distil policy implications for improving legal frameworks relevant for collective RES prosumers across Europe.


  • Regulatory challenges and opportunities for collective renewable energy prosumers in the EU Esther Marín-González Socio-Ecological Research
  • Regulatory challenges and opportunities for collective renewable energy prosumers in the EU Inês Campos Socio-Ecological Research