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Development and Evolutionary Morphogenesis - DEM

Ricardo Dias


Biosafety Biosecurity Biological Resilience Public Health Bacterial Genomics Bioinformatics Molecular Biology Microbiology Integrative Sciences Knowledge transfer and Innovation

I received a Ph.D. in Microbiology from the NOVA University Lisbon in 2009. My research topics: Bacterial Genomics; Bioinformatics; Public Health; Microbiology; Fostering Integrative Knowledge, working at the Microbiology & Biotechnology Group - BioISI; I am also currently coordenating the infrastruture for Genomics from BioISI at FCUL.
My current research is driven by three overarching objectives: His current research interests are: 1) application of data mining tools for the development of novel diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic approaches; 2) discovery of new microbial sourced compounds with relevance in public health; 3) microbial susceptibility and its association with the evolution of bacterial genomes.


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