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Ecology of Environmental Change - eChanges

Ricardo Encarnação Coelho

PhD Student

Decarbonization Energy Buildings Transport Adaptation and Mitigation trade-offs

Ricardo is a grant research holder who is working in eChanges for SOCLIMPACT project with Hugo Pires Costa and LOCOMOTION with Tiago Capela Lourenço.

He is currently developing Shared Social-Economical Pathways (SSPs) extensions for the European Islands Energy and Marine Transport sectors. They are a part of the developing framework in which he is collaborating with. The framework will enable networking regional and EU policy design based on an impact chains information system.

He worked in CCIAM with Hugo Pires Costa in PRAC-AZORES (Climate Change plan for the Azores Islands) for the adaptation of the Energy Sector, in tandem with the mitigation team (IST). He also worked with Luís Dias for PIAAC-AMAL (adaptation of the Algarve Region) and PMAACO (adaptation of Oeiras Municipality) for the Energy and Transport Sectors. All projects had a relevant stakeholder engagement component for the project’s successes.

His main interest is related with the Energy transition towards a deep decarbonization society which is well adapted to Climate Change, especially in the Islands context. Specific key enablers for a successful and fair transition include subjects such as Energy Storage, Demand Side Management (DSM), Decentralized Generation, Prosumers, Energy Communities, Energy Management Systems, Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and fuel poverty. He is also passionate about aviation and hopes to contribute for a well-adapted decarbonized air travel system.


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