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Research Gate

Ecology of Environmental Change - eChanges

Bruna Paolinelli Reis


Ecological restoration Grasslands ecology Conservation biology Forest ecology Landscape scale restoration Long-term restoration

I received a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Eötvös Loránd University - ELTE in 2021 and I am currently a reseracher at the Ecology of Environmental Changes - eChanges group. My research focuses on ecological restoration of dry grasslands in landscape and longer time scales.
For many years I have been involved in forest and grasslands restoration in Brazil and in Hungary. During my Master, I developed a methodology for monitoring forest restoration in large scale throughout remote sensing techniques, LIDAR and UAV. During my PhD, my main topic included long-term and ladnscape scale studies in grassland restoration in the Kiskunság National Park in Hungary. My current research in the eChanges group is driven by the overaching objectives: to identify areas where ecological restoration projects have been implemented and monitored within the eLTER network (Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites in Europe), and to elaborate a database of experts and projects that would help to upscale restoration across Europe. In the country level, I am involved in a project to mitigate and restore land under pressure to to combat desertification and increase resilience to climate change in the montado ecossytems.



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