• / Implementing an integrated system to enhance genomic surveillance of emerging and reemerging viral threats in South America

    Implementing an integrated system to enhance genomic surveillance of emerging and reemerging viral threats in South America

    E3Talk with Marta Giovanetti (Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Italy & René Rachou Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil)
  • / The evolution of developmental biases explains 80 million years of divergent phenotypic rates

    The evolution of developmental biases explains 80 million years of divergent phenotypic rates

    Encontro Scientia with João Picão Osório (Evolutionary Ecology)
  • / Reinventar a democracia com as pessoas nos 50 anos do 25 de Abril e no caminho para as eleições europeias

    Reinventar a democracia com as pessoas nos 50 anos do 25 de Abril e no caminho para as eleições europeias

    Os Laboratórios de Democracia chegam em maio a Lisboa, pela mão da investigadora CE3C Inês Campos
  • / Genomic dynamics and evolution of bacteria and microbial communities

    Genomic dynamics and evolution of bacteria and microbial communities

    Encontro Scientia with Teresa Nogueira (Evolutionary Genetics)
  • / Soil thermophilic as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

    Soil thermophilic as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

    Encontro Scientia with Ana Paula Rosa (Plant-Soil Ecology)