CriticalSevre - Nitrogen critical levels and loads in a multifunctional landscape in the LTSER ZA-PVS

  • International Research Project
  • 2015 to 2019

Excessive nitrogen use in agriculture impacts biodiversity and ecosystems functions. To protect ecosystems, Critical levels of atmospheric ammonia (concentrations in the atmosphere) and Critical loads (amount of nitrogen deposited into the ecosystem) have been calculated for some ecosystems. This was done using one of the most sensitive components of the ecosystem, lichens, more specifically changes in their functional metrics. The objective of this project is to calculate the changes caused by low-to-high intensity agriculture into nearby natural and semi-natural areas, using lichens as ecological indicators. This will allow us to calculate the distance of impact and map it. Using measures of atmospheric ammonia concentrations and nitrogen deposition available we will also estimate the Critical levels and Loads for the Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sevre ecosystems.

Funding Institution:

H2020eLTER TA.


Partners: cE3c and LTSER Zone Atelier Plaine et Val de Sevre (TA users).

Project leader:  Michael Mirtl (eLTER) and Paula Matos (cE3c).