CE3C - Towards a Sustainable Future

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It is vital that we look at ecosystems in an integrative approach, understand the impacts of global changes on their functioning and share the knowledge acquired with new generations of scientists, with society and decision-makers.


CE3C is building a prosperous and sustainable future based on science, education and knowledge transfer.

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Research Groups
Research Groups

CE3C is home to over 400 researchers, working together in 39 groups, clustered in 4 thematic lines. Get to know the knowledge we help build every day, its diversity, and how we integrate it to respond to today's pressing issues.

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Like lichens, CE3C works symbiotically with different academic partners, both in Portugal and internationally, that span across various scientific domains and contribute to increase the collective impact on society.

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With recognised skills that span theory and practice, CE3C researchers dedicate an important part of their time to train new generations of scientists, knowledge transfer and to empower multiple fields of activity in society.

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"Não há lobo mau": aldeias tentam mudar imagem dos lobos

Reportagem Especial SIC sobre a conservação do lobo-ibérico em Portugal, com entrevista aos investigadores CE3C Helena Rio Maior e Francisco Petrucci-Fonseca.

16 Feb 2025

Investigador do CE3C coassina artigo de opinião no Público sobre a importância do ensino da evolução no ensino básico
Investigador do CE3C coassina artigo de opinião no Público sobre a importância do ensino da evolução no ensino básico

Pedro Simões, investigador do CE3C, coassina um artigo de opinião no Público sobre a importância do ensino da Evolução no ensino básico, no âmbito da comemoração do Dia de Darwin.

14 Feb 2025

Consórcio das Escolas de Biodiversidade e Ciências Naturais abre novo concurso para 20 bolsas de investigação
Consórcio das Escolas de Biodiversidade e Ciências Naturais abre novo concurso para 20 bolsas de investigação

O Consórcio das Escolas de Biodiversidade e Ciências Naturais (CEBiCNa) abre concurso para atribuição de 20 Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento, destinadas a nacionais de países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa e de Timor-Leste.

04 Feb 2025


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MACRISK Project Workshop
MACRISK Project Workshop

From 14 Mar 2025 until 16 Mar 2025

Location: University of the Azores (Angra do Heroísmo campus, Terceira island, Azores, Portugal) & Online

We are home to more than
400 researchers
We produce science that crosses all levels of biological organisation, from organisms up to ecosystems, both natural and anthropogenic

We produce science that crosses all levels of biological organisation, from organisms up to ecosystems, both natural and anthropogenic

We raise relevant questions and apply innovative techniques to answer them

We raise relevant questions and apply innovative techniques to answer them

We investigate fauna and flora and their relationship with their environment

We investigate fauna and flora and their relationship with their environment

We design models build scenarios and predict changes

We design models build scenarios and predict changes

We produce knowledge and develop tools to understand the impact of global changes on biodiversity and on human health and well-being

We produce knowledge and develop tools to understand the impact of global changes on biodiversity and on human health and well-being