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Evolutionary Ecology - EE
MITE2: Multidisciplinary Investigation Targeting Ecology and Evolution

João Alpedrinha

External Collaborator

Adaptation Social evolution Sexual selection Reproductive strategies Mathematical modeling Competition

I received a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Oxford in 2012, studying social evolution theory and sex allocation, under the supervision of Prof. Stuart West and Dr. Andy Gardner. My research focuses on social evolution, evolutionary ecology and natural selection. Since 2015, develop my work with Prof. Sara Magalhães, working in the evolution of mating strategies in spider mites. Having worked in different laboratories and countries, I have developed a vast network of collaborators from other national and international groups.

In parallel with my scientific work, I participated and developed various educational and outreach activities, participating in school activities, science festivals and exhibitions and the development of the science outreach blog "O Beagle de Darwin" for the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology (APBE). I am also one of the coordinators of the ESEB founded outreach project "One year told by Women in Evolutionary Biology"

Since 2021, I am also part of the organizing committee of Caravana AgroEcológica, a project that promotes the cooperation and dissemination of knowledge between researchers, agriculture producers and consumers, for the benefit of agroecological practices. I was involved in projects as "Hortas em Casa", "Hortas nas Escolas", the "Farmers Open Days" or "Umundu Selvagem", which involved the development of activities promoting ecology and biodiversity, and focusing on the importance of agroecology for sustainable development. In Caravana I coordinate the project Rotas Zer0 is a joint collaboration between Caravana AgroEcológica and the environmental organization Tagis, that aims at raising awareness to the importance of circularity to achieve sustainability in agroecological systems.



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